Verdicts & Settlements

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Osborne & FrancisOsborne & Francis

$1 Billion

Hip Implant

Osborne & Francis Founding Partner Joe Osborne was a member of the executive committee that successfully consolidated and settled a group of lawsuits against the medical technology company Stryker in November of 2018. According to court documents, Stryker’s LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 Femoral Head harmed patients when normal wear and tear to the metal-on-metal artificial hip joint released toxic metal particles into the recipient’s body.

The settlement was made possible by Osborne’s work with the executive committee that sought to consolidate the multidistrict litigation against Stryker into a single district. The suits were consolidated in the District of Massachusetts in April of 2017, paving the way for the November 2018 settlement that compensated “hundreds and hundreds” of patients who received the Stryker hip. Because the cases were settled confidentially, the number of cases settled and the compensation paid out by Stryker were not disclosed.

Joe Osborne was invited to join that executive committee because of his history of successful litigation against Stryker and his broader experience with mass torts and class actions involving medical devices. In 2014, Osborne was on the steering committee for suits over the Rejuvenate modular neck device that forced Stryker to compensate patients with more than $1 billion.

$26.7 Million

Mesh Device

Joseph Osborne was part of a trial team that secured the first federal court verdict in the country against Boston Scientific regarding injuries to four women from the Pinnacle mesh device. Jurors awarded Osborne’s client more than $6.7 million. Boston Scientific Corp. was ordered to pay $26.7 million to the group of women who claimed injuries from the company’s vaginal inserts. Jurors awarded Amal Eghnayem, Osborne’s client, more than $6.7 million.

“Jurors in federal court in Miami in November 2014 found Boston Scientific officials designed their Pinnacle pelvic-organ implants defectively and failed to properly warn doctors and their patients about the device’s risks” Joseph Osborne, said in an interview with Bloomberg.

The verdict is the first in a federal case against Boston Scientific over the Pinnacle inserts and the first to combine more than one plaintiff’s claims.

$9.475 Million


Joseph A. Osborne was appointed to the Plaintiffs Steering Committee for the Trasylol Multidistrict Litigation in West Palm Beach, Fl. Trasylol, a drug used to limit bleeding during heart surgery, was marketed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals as a safe and effective medication. In 2006, after the drug had been on the market for nearly twelve years and was used in approximately one-third of heart operations in America, a study performed by Doctor Dennis Mangano indicated that the use of Trasylol had serious side effects. These included kidney damage, kidney failure, and even death. Bayer took little notice of Dr. Mangano’s findings and continued to sell the drug for another two years, until, the FDA urged that Trasylol be withdrawn from the market in November 2007.

In this two year period, Trasylol was found to be the cause of approximately 22,000 deaths and numerous catastrophic injuries. Through aggressive advocacy, and most importantly, unparalleled dedication and support for its clients, Joseph A. Osborne was pleased to announce a settlement of $9.475 million with Bayer to resolve its Trasylol claims.

$8 Million

Negligent Security Settlement

The family of a teenage girl who was tragically shot and killed while visiting friends at an apartment complex received an $8 million settlement.

The complex had a history of violent crime, including prior shootings, and security measures were severely lacking. On the night of the incident, no security guards were present, and the front gates were broken and left open. Property management's neglect of these security issues, fueled by their focus on selling the complex, led to this preventable tragedy.

$7.5 Million

Trucking Accident

On his way home from work, our client was a passenger in a pick-up truck that was rear-ended by a commercial truck at a high rate of speed. Our client was stopped at a red light at the time of the collision. He suffered multiple brain hemorrhages, broken bones, and loss of consciousness.

$7.5 Million

Medical Malpractice Settlement

Our client was rendered a quadriplegic after neck surgery. Through investigation, we determined a medical product was used improperly at the time of surgery which caused compression of the spinal cord.

$4.5 Million

Diagnosis Error

Settlement on behalf of our client who did not receive timely medication in the Emergency Department to treat an evolving stroke, which left him with permanent injuries and neurologic deficits. The doctors and nurses involved failed to correctly diagnose his true condition and failed to administer clot-busting medication in a timely manner. 

The claim was amicably resolved with all medical providers and their insurance companies prior to a lawsuit being filed.

$4 Million

Medical Malpractice

A baby suffered a brain injury during birth. The case faced many legal challenges. After hard fought litigation, the case was settled. The family now has sufficient financial resources to care for the child's medical needs for the rest of his life.

$3.8 Million

Surgery Error Settlement

Surgery was performed on a minor child that was contraindicated. The surgery caused a permanent brain injury. The doctors also failed to recognize her cognitive condition was worsening postoperatively and failed to initiate treatment for a progressing brain infection.

$3.2 Million

Medical Malpractice Settlement

Failure to timely diagnose and treat an impending stroke. Our client suffered significant physical and emotional injuries.

$3.1 Million

Negligent Security Settlement

The family of a father of three who was shot and killed at his apartment complex received a $3.1 million settlement.

Despite the high crime rate in the area, property management canceled the security guard contract and failed to repair the entry gates. This negligence left residents vulnerable to crime. 

$3 Million

Negligent Security Settlement

Our client tragically lost a loved one to gun violence in a convenience store parking lot located in a high-crime area.

The property owner failed to provide adequate security measures, such as security guards, which could have potentially prevented the shooting. 

$2.75 Million

Medical Malpractice Settlement

Our client suffered brain damage after being left alone on a psychiatric unit in a hospital. He was brought to the facility in mental crisis and negligently treated by the nurses and doctors at the hospital. His damages are permanent. The funds from the settlement will help support his future care and medical needs.

$2.75 Million

Hit-and-Run Settlement

A young boy was killed on his bike when struck by a truck. The driver of the truck drove away after the accident. After months of investigation, the driver and defendant were identified. The case brought closure to the family and compensation for their loss.

$2.5 Million

Car Accident Settlement

Our client was rear-ended by a box truck. His injuries were significant, requiring neck and back surgery.

$2.1 Million

Product Liability

A medical device was implanted and migrated into an organ, resulting in bleeding and the death of the patient. He was survived by his wife.

$2 Million

Zimmer Kinectiv Hip Implant

Joe Osborne and co-counsel Randi McGinn secured what is believed to be the first verdict in the country for the Kinectiv Technology hip implant manufactured by Zimmer.

One month after the initial surgery McDonald required revision surgery, replacing all components except for the stem base.  An additional surgery was performed 16 months later, which was followed with a 6-week course of IV antibiotics as all of the necrotic tissue caused by corrosion induced metallosis was not able to be removed. The court stated that it “is more than probable” that he will need a third even more complex revision surgery sometime in the future.

The court found that Zimmer did not fully or adequately test the configuration of the new modular design as they tested the individual components in isolation when it is known that there is an interaction between components of the system and performance of the system.

The court further found that “the unreasonable risk of metallosis, whether from corrosion, micro-motion, fretting or some other mechanism, makes the MLTK with a metal CoCr head a defective product.”

$1.625 Million

Medical Malpractice Settlement

Our 67-year-old client faced serious complications following hernia repair surgery. During recovery, he needed breathing and oxygen support. However, the physician chose an inappropriate method of respiratory support, opting for a mask with forced airway pressure instead of intubation. This misstep resulted in a tear in the client's esophagus, which the surgery had already weakened. Consequently, our client suffered catastrophic health issues, underwent additional surgery, and fortunately survived.

$1.25 Million

Medical Malpractice

A woman suffered a below the knee amputation after physicians delayed in diagnosing a foot injury leading to circulation problems. The hospital was also negligent due to nurses failing to recognize significant changes in her condition and reporting them to the physicians.

$1 Million

ADA Compliance Settlement

Our client suffered serious injuries after falling in a handicap-accessible bathroom that violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The mandatory grab bar in the stall was found to be non-compliant with ADA standards, leading to the client's fall and subsequent surgery. 

$1 Million

Wrongful Death Negligent Security

Our 27 year old client was tragically shot and killed while she was in her rented trailer park home. Our investigation revealed that the trailer park had a significant violent crime problem, which the owner failed to properly address. Crime records showed that there where hundreds of calls to 911 and the police every year, during the three year period before the shooting. Despite the serious crime problem, the owner of the trailer park failed to have manned security on the date of the shooting, which may have prevented this attack.

$1 Million

Trucking Accident

We represented the family of a 38 year old woman who was a passenger in a semi tractor trailer that lost control in a snow storm, resulting in the truck careening off an embankment. This case was resolved after diligent evaluation of the data from the truck revealed that the truck was traveling at an excessive speed for the weather conditions.

$1 Million

Slip and Fall

Our client suffered a slip and fall due to water on the floor at a downtown Orlando nightclub. Prior to the lawsuit, the nightclub offered $7,000. In response, we filed suit and began to prepare the case for trial. Video of the incident revealed that an employee cleaned up the water and that there was no warning sign in the area. 

Our client underwent three surgical procedures and had a future recommendation at the time we settled the case shortly after mediation.


Trucking Accident Settlement

Our client was driving their sedan when they were suddenly sideswiped by a cement truck committing an improper lane change. 

They had to undergo neck and lower back fusion surgeries and suffered minor property damage as a result of the crash. 


Product Liability

A massage table collapsed while our client was receiving a massage. She suffered a closed head injury. The massage table was subsequently destroyed by the defendant, but we still prevailed.


Slip and Fall Settlement

Our client slipped and fell in a restroom that had been recently mopped.

The janitorial company failed to post wet floor signs or barricade the area while the floor dried, putting her and other visitors at risk. 


Product Liability

Our client required joint replacement. The product failed, requiring him to undergo additional surgeries, hospitalizations, and rehabilitation. He also developed problems walking.


Negligent Security Settlement

A visitor to an apartment complex was shot and killed. The apartment complex had a high crime rate and failed to provide adequate security to residents and visitors.


Negligent Security Settlement

Our client was shot at a vacation home community. The community only had one serious violent crime in the past 3 years, but it did have a history of out of control house parties which was a constant nuisance. Throughout the discovery process we determined that the security guard company failed to follow its policies and procedures. 

The security company allowed the attacker to enter the community and it also failed to prevent the house party where our client was shot. The homeowner, homeowners association, property management company, and a popular home rental company were also negligent in their operations and they contributed to the settlement.


Medical Malpractice

Confidential settlement in a failure to appropriately treat pulmonary embolism. No other info can be provided due to confidentiality.


Medical Malpractice Settlement

The physicians failed to investigate and respond to negative test results, leading to the death of an elderly patient.


Airboat Injury Settlement

Our clients sustained orthopedic injuries when an airboat operator flipped the boat while conducting a tour. Six passengers were thrown from the boat and injured in the incident.

The company that ran the airboat tour had insufficient insurance coverage to fully compensate all six people. The insurance company filed an interpleader action under Florida’s Tort Reform Act, attempting to limit how much could be paid to the injured parties.

Thanks to strategic settlement tactics, our firm was able to secure over 96% of the available insurance money for our two clients.


Workplace Injury

Our client suffered a traumatic brain injury at a warehouse of a popular grocery store as a result of a large cart that was used to stock merchandise. The top shelf of the cart became unsecured and it struck our client on the head causing vision, memory, and vestibular issues. Through our investigation, we found that the subject cart was unsafe and was the subject of claims and lawsuits throughout the country. 

The defendant was made aware that the cart was dangerous and defectively designed but did not do enough to provide safer equipment prior to the incident. The case settled prior to a hearing on our motion to compel evidence regarding prior incidents involving the cart at all stores the defendant was using the cart.


Diagnosis Error

Settlement on behalf of our client who suffered neurologic injuries due to her medical provider’s failure to appropriately diagnose her true condition. She was inappropriately discharged from an Emergency Department and suffered a neurologic event at home the next day.

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