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Boca Raton Wrongful Death Attorneys

If you were injured due to someone else's negligence, you may be entitled to significant compensation. Contact one of our experienced lawyers at (561) 293-2600 for legal advice and representation.

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Man is considering filing a wrongdul death claim with a Boca Raton wrongful death attorney after losing someone.Osborne & Francis

Losing a loved one is difficult, no matter the circumstances. But it can be made all the more devastating when death comes unexpectedly. Sudden accidents, medical malpractice, product malfunctions – none of us ever expect these things to be the reason we lose someone we love. Living in the wake of these incidents can make anyone feel overwhelmed and helpless.

You don't have to face this alone if you’ve lost a loved one due to an incident of wrongful death. Between managing unexpected hospital bills, funeral expenses, and sudden loss of vital income, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Osborne & Francis want to help. We bring a team of capable and dedicated attorneys with a wealth of personal injury experience that we can use to help you get your life back on track.

We know that confronting a loved one’s passing can be hard, and we want to help lighten your burden. Contact us online at our Boca Raton office or by phone at 561-293-2600 today so that we can help put you on the path to peace of mind.

Video Transcript

So you've been in a car accident. What happens next? There are many things that you should do but here are the three most important:

Number One: See a doctor immediately. 

A broken bone is easy to see, but some injuries are not. The most common injuries from car accidents happen in the neck, back, or head. The only way to diagnose and treat them is by seeing a doctor. A doctor can help ease the pain, provide medication, reassure you of how your injury may impact your daily life, and tell you what not to do to make it worse.

A visit to the doctor can also give you legally protected time off to recover and rest your body after an accident, and it documents and provides the evidence you may need for your case. Even a five-mile-per-hour car accident can cause a serious injury. So whether you've had a severe accident or a minor collision, see a doctor. And if you don't have medical insurance, let us know and we'll make sure that you receive the proper care. 

Number Two: Write everything down.

Even if it seems small, during times of stress or injury it is common to forget the little details. Make sure you keep note of the pain that you're in. With neck, back, and head injuries, sometimes simple activities such as walking up the stairs or picking up a toddler may cause severe pain. 

You may not be sleeping well at night. Documenting how much you sleep and how often you wake up due to pain is also very important. And lastly, if you have any cuts or bruises, take daily photos as you heal. This will provide visual evidence of the injuries that you've suffered. 

Number Three: Do not speak to an insurance company until you've spoken to a lawyer.

Please understand that the insurance adjuster works for a billion-dollar corporation and not for you. Their interests are solely for their insurance company, and their goal is to provide you with the least amount of financial settlement as quickly as possible. When you do speak with them, remember they will record the conversation. Why do they do this? Because they've been trained to ask questions that may confuse you. So talk to us before you talk to them. 

So remember: See a doctor, document everything, and call us before calling the insurance company for your free private consultation. We are here for you. Real tough lawyers fighting real tough issues.

contact our office to speak to a lawyer.

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Personal Injury Incidents that Can Cause Wrongful Death

Personal injury law is a fairly extensive field, and determining an exhaustive list of accidents that might result in wrongful death is challenging. But many incidents that result in wrongful death can be grouped under a few broad categories. 

  • Workplace Accidents are exactly what they sound like – due to some factor that was unaccounted for in a workplace, someone was injured and died as a result. Workplace accidents are one of the most common causes of wrongful death. 
  • Automotive Accidents cover a fairly broad umbrella. These can include car, semi-truck, motorcycle, and pedestrian accidents where one or more parties are at fault for the loss of your loved one. 
  • Aviation Accidents are very uncommon, but they do sometimes happen. An airline may be liable if someone dies due to negligent mechanical failure. 
  • Defective Product Failures can cause incidents of wrongful death as well. If parts are poorly crafted to save money or come with an unknown risk of injury or death, the manufacturer may be at fault. This category also covers defective or risky pharmaceuticals if manufacturers did not uphold their responsibilities to maintain cleanliness and best practices in production. 
  • Medical Malpractice occurs when medical professionals fail in their duty to their patients, resulting in their death. Malpractice can include such terrible situations as surgical errors or failure to diagnose life-threatening conditions.

There is always the possibility of outlier cases that still qualify as wrongful death, but the ones listed here cover the vast majority of claims. 

Liable Parties in a Wrongful Death Claim

Determining fault in a wrongful death claim can vary wildly, depending on the type of claim being made. Some commonly responsible parties in wrongful death cases include the following:

  • Medical Providers in medical malpractice cases.
  • Government Agencies that failed in their responsibilities to mitigate risk, such as ensuring that highways are properly lit or maintained or that the correct signage is in place and visible. 
  • Third Parties that contribute to the circumstances of a workplace accident, such as equipment manufacturers or coworkers who acted negligently. 
  • Defective Product Manufacturers, if a product caused an accident resulting in death. 
  • At-Fault Drivers in cases of most automotive accidents that deal with negligence.

As before, this list isn’t exhaustive. But if your loss falls under one of the categories previously mentioned, one of these parties is likely responsible. 

How are Wrongful Death Claims Investigated?

Claimants must prove wrongful death claims in a court of law, which means compiling a body of evidence. Proving a claim is not your responsibility as a claimant; your attorney is the one who will take on the duty of investigating the incident at length. This means securing necessary evidence, including paperwork and incident reports, film and photo documentation, witness testimony, and other critical details. An attorney can use evidence to draw a line of fault to the guilty party.

Damages You Can Recover in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Three major categories of damage come to bear in wrongful death cases.

  • Economic Damages include the monetary costs of dealing with a loss. Medical expenses like ambulance rides, pharmaceutical costs, bills, and other treatment expenses fall under this category, but so do funeral costs. One of the most significant types of economic damages includes calculating a lifetime of lost wages based on evaluating the victim’s earnings and lifestyle. 
  • Non-Economic Damages refer to the things that aren’t as easy to put a price on. Pain and suffering and loss of companionship and protection are hard to place a monetary value on, but they are just as necessary to rectify.
  • Punitive Damages are the least commonly awarded category by the court. These damages are only awarded in instances of gross negligence or malicious intent. Punitive damages are intended to do just that - to punish - and therefore only come to bear in extreme circumstances.
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T. Andrews

“Attorneys Greg Francis and Ryan Fletcher at Osborne & Francis Law Firm represented me in my personal injury case.The defendant drew a line in the sand and was adamant on a settlement amount I was almost willing to accept. After the dust settled and the smoke cleared, we settled for 3 times that amount!!! When they say ‘Real Tough Lawyers,’ they mean it.”

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C. Smith

“I am so thankful for EVERYONE, the entire staff at Osborne & Francis Law, for mentoring me through the mediation process with my hip replacement failures. I didn't realize how MUCH pressure they relieved me of by helping me deal with the reality of this traumatic time in my life, as it was OVER so quickly with a positive result. My family is grateful to have their mom HAPPY & FOCUSED on the future, rather than worrying over what happened in the past! FAST FORWARD, we are LIVING LIFE to the fullest once again!”

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J. Davis

“I couldn’t have asked for a better lawyer/ firm — everything was done professionally exactly how I wanted. Due to COVID my personal attorney Mr. Garcia was still able to make things work in a timely manner and he never made me feel like he wasn’t working. Overall I’m happy with how my case turned out and I would recommend him and this law firm to anyone. 100% satisfied.”

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E. Holland

Dennis and the other Osborne & Francis staff were amazing! Our case was HUGE and required tender loving care. Everyone on our case did their part by putting all the puzzle pieces together. We were given step by step updates and put at ease when our nerves got the best of us. For every inquiry we made we received a timely response...You are appreciated!

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Quick and fair resolution to a unique case. On advice of my own attorney, I engaged Joseph Osborne of Osborne & Francis of Boca Raton, FL. Mr. Osborne had considerable experience in cases such as mine and the results showed that. Mr. Osborne and his staff were very helpful, kept me up to date, and listened to my input. The settlement was very fair as far as I am concerned.

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Erica F.

"Best personal injury attorney around, I could not be happier! I was seriously injured in a car accident and Osborne and Francis helped me through the entire process. I was blown away by how knowledgeable the staff and attorneys are at this incredible law firm. I would not hesitate to recommend this law firm to friends and family!"

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Why Do I Need to Hire a Wrongful Death Attorney?

Navigating personal injury and civil law is difficult, and representing oneself in civil suits is inadvisable. Attorneys train for years to navigate the many statutes written regarding personal injury and wrongful death to ensure that claimants receive the maximum compensation possible for their losses. Having an experienced lawyer ensures you are not left with less than you are owed under the full extent of the law.

Contact Osborne & Francis to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation 

Your loss is undoubtedly challenging, and there’s no reason you should have to bear it alone. If you’ve lost a loved one due to an accident or injury, contact Osborne & Francis today so that we can get you on the path to healing. You can contact us online at our Boca Raton office or by phone at 561-293-2600. You shouldn’t have to bear this burden alone, and we want to help. 

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